El Consejo Internacional de la Caza y de la Conservaciónn de la Fauna Silvestre, CIC, a través del Grupo de trabajo de Opinión Juvenil, ha convocado el premio CIC YOUNG OPINION RESEARCH AWARD 2015.
Este grupo intenta crear una red de jóvenes investigadores que pongan el valor la caza en el contexto de la conservación de la vida silvestre.
Con tal objeto convoca un premio que reconozca al más destacado de los proyectos relacionados con la caza desarrollado por investigadores menores de 35 años. El reconocimiento será otorgado por un jurado integrado por expertos y el acto de exposición tendrá lugar en abril de 2015 en Bulgaria con motivo de la 62ª Asamblea General del CIC.
Copio la convocatoria:
Introduction: The CIC is a global non-profit inter-governmental organization aiming to conserve wildlife through its sustainable use. The Young Opinion Working Group of the CIC focuses on creating a global network of young scientists under the age of 35, who believe in the values which the CIC is advocating.
Objective: The CIC Young Opinion Research Award is aimed at supporting researchers whose projects contribute to the sustainable use of wildlife for the benefit of natural heritage conservation. Thereby, the goal of the Young Opinion Research Award is to promote scientific research in accordance with the spirit of CICs convictions. Such research may cover any or all of the three main pillars of sustainable wildlife management: economic, socio-cultural and/or ecological.
Participants are required to send a summary of their research project, explaining the aim, methods and conclusions of the project.
The jury, a committee of CIC experts, will determine the winners, who will be rewarded with an invitation to participate at the 62nd General Assembly in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (23-25 April 2015). Here, winners will get to present their projects and meet with key representatives and experts in the field of sustainable hunting. The prize covers the registration fee, accommodation and travel expenses. The deadline for sending applications is 31 October 2014. The results will be announced by mid-February 2015.
Requirements: Students of Masters and Doctoral programs under 35 years old are eligible to apply.
The summary should meet the following criteria:
Cover the research topics dealing with sustainable hunting based on one or more of three
approaches – economic, socio-cultural, ecological (topic examples: ethics, politics, or
history of hunting; wildlife management measures from habitat improvements to harvest
Include: name, age and contact details
Maximum length is 3600 characters/two pages
Working language – English
Please send your submissions to office@cic-wildlife.org with the subject CIC Young Opinion Research Award 2015.