Artículos, libros y tesis comentados en Corzo+


Citas de todos los artículos científicos, libros y tesis doctorales comentados en Corzo+.

1.- Lambertucci SA, Donázar JA, Hiraldo A. Poisoning people and wildlife with lead ammunition:time to stop. Environ Sci Technol 2010; 44 (20): 7759-60. (Comentado el 15/07/2.011)

2.- Timothy R et al. Effects of Earn-a-Buck and Special Antlerless-Only Seasons on?Wisconsin’s Deer Harvests. Journal of Wildlife Management 2.010; 74 (8): 1693–1700. (Comentado el 08/11/2.011)

3.- Vázquez L, Panadero R, Dacal V, Pato FJ, López C, Díaz P, Arias MS, Fernández G, Díez-Baños P, Morrondo P. Tick infestation (Acari: Ixodidae) in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from northwestern Spain: population dynamics and risk stratification. Exp Appl Acarol. 2010 Oct 21.(Comentado el 20/12/2.011)
4.- Angibault, J.-M., Bideau, E., Vincent, J.-P., Quéré, J.-P., and Khazraie (1993). Détermination de l’âge chez le chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus L.). Test de critères morphologiques à partir d’animaux d’âge connu. Mammalia 57: 579-587. (Comentado el 28/01/2.011)

5.- Kiffner C, Lödige C, Alings M, Vor T, Rühe F.  Attachment site selection of ticks on roe deer, Capreolus capreolus. Exp Appl Acarol. 2011 Jan;53(1):79-94. Epub 2010 Jun 29. (Comentado el 28/01/2.011)

6.- R. McIntosh, a, F.W.E. Burltona and G. McReddiea.  Monitoring the density of a roe deer Capreolus capreolus population subjected to heavy hunting pressure.Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 79, Issues 1-2, November 1995, Pages 99-106. (Comentado el 28/01/2.011)?

7.- R. M. A. Gill, A. L. Johnson, 1, A. Francis, 2, K. Hiscocks and A. J. Peace. Changes in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) population density in response to forest habitat succession.Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 88, Issues 1-2, 1 November 1996, Pages 31-41. (Comentado el 28/01/2.011)

8.- Bonnot N, Gaillard JM, Coulon A, Galan M, Cosson JF, Delorme D, Klein F, Hewison AJ. PLoS One. 2010 Dec 28;5(12):e14436. No difference between the sexes in fine-scale spatial genetic structure of roe deer. (Comentado el 15/02/2.011)

 9.- Cécile Vanpé, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Petter Kjellander, Olof Liberg, Daniel Delorme, A.J. Mark Hewison .Oikos. Volume 119, Issue 9, pages 1484–1492, September 2010. (Comentado el 15/02/2.011)

10.- Diaz-Varela, E.R., et al. Assessing methods of mitigating wildlife–vehicle collisions by accident characterization and spatial analysis. Transport. Res. Part D (2011), doi:10.1016/j.trd.2011.01.002. (Comentado el 24/02/2.011)

11.- Gerardo Pajares Bernaldo de Quirós. Primera cita en España de Cephenemyia stimulator en corzos. Boletín de la Asociación del Corzo Español nº 11. (Comentado el 27/02/2.011)

12.- Bueno-de la Fuente, M. L., Moreno, V., Peréz, J. M., Ruiz-Martinez, I. & Soriguer, R.C.1998. Oestrosis in red deer from Spain. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 34: 820–824. (Comentado el 27/02/2.011)

13.- Cogley, T.P. 1987. Effects of Cephenemyia spp. (Diptera:Oestridae) on the nasopharynx of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 23(4): 596-605. (Comentado el 27/02/2.011)

14.- Király, I., Egri, B. 2007. Epidemiological characteristics of cephenemyia stimulator (clark, 1815) larval infestation in european roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in Hungary .Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (3): 271–279. (Comentado el 27/02/2.011)

15.- Slade, Johnathan. 2009. Utility of trail camera users to assess deer population sex and age structure. MS Thesis. University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg (Tesis Doctoral). (Comentado el 03/03/2.011)

16.-Santiago Moreno J, López Sebastián A. Ungulados silvestres de España. Editorial: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA), 2.010. (Comentado el 09/03/2.011)

17.-Kilpatrick HJ,  LaBonte AM, Barclay JS. Use of Bait to Increase Archery Deer Harvest in an Urban–Suburban Landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management. Volume 74, Issue 4 (May 2010): 714–718. (Comentado el 13/03/2.011)

18.-Van Moorter B, Gaillard JM, Hewison AJM et al. Evidence for exploration behaviour in young roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) prior to dispersal. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 2008;20: 1-15. (Comentado el 21/03/2.011)

